Five ways to snare commitment-phobic clients

You’ve had the meeting and pitched like your life depends on it; all that remains is for the client to seal the deal and sign on the dotted line. But it’s just not happening.

When it comes to hiring freelancers, some clients just can’t commit. Either the decision sits on the back burner for weeks or months on end, or they to-and-fro over whether they can afford to hire a freelancer at all. What can you do that they can’t? Could they not do it themselves, for less? But you know you’re the right man or woman for the job and you can tell that they’re all but convinced.

When you’ve got them on the ropes and all you’re waiting for is the green light, give these tricks a go. They’ll sign on the dotted line in no time.

Offer them a discount

If the stumbling block here is price, as it so often is, offering clients an introductory discount might be all it takes to seal the deal. Everybody likes something for nothing, so hook them with a discounted rate for the first three months and make sure you get it down in writing that it will increase after the set period; it’ll avoid any awkward conversations when it comes to raising the rate.

Make sure they know you’re in demand

Demand breeds desire and reminding a potential client that you’re out there doing amazing stuff for other clients won’t harm your chances of them hiring you to do the same for them. Share your work on social media and don’t be scared to drop them an email reminding them that you’re available if it’s been a while since you first pitched.

Act like you’re already part of the team

This one needs subtlety if you’re going to avoid sounding presumptuous, but dropping a ‘we’ or ‘us’ into conversations about their brand will show them that you’re already on board mentally and ready to be part of the team. If they feel like you’re already part of the company, you’re over halfway there.

Give them value without a charge

One of the best ways to snare a commitment-phobic client is to show them what they could be missing by dilly-dallying. Share that industry news story with them and interact with their social media posts. It’ll put you front and centre in their mind when they do finally make a move on hiring a freelancer.

…and if all else fails, know when to walk away.

Every now and again, a client relationship just doesn’t take off. It’s not you, it’s them. Their needs might have changed and their budgets might have too; don’t beat yourself up about it.

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